We help you solve problems by providing expert and experienced marketing and communications advice and services. Often, that solution is remarkably simple.

We believe that having a generic position is no longer acceptable. Instead, you have to tell the right story. Firms need to adapt to the times and own their identity.

We are also responsible for The Alternative Investor a monthly alternative investment publication.


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Alternative Investor Newsletter

Alternative Investor Portal

Check out news & events from around our space on our sister site.


It is a matter of adapting to build a smarter brand. Change with the times.

Be on brand.



We believe that you should not always look to the most obvious path.

Be brave.

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Having worked in the marketing and communication space for over 20 years, both in house and externally, we wanted to offer up our views on a range of topics.

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Brodie Consulting

Our focus is excellence and innovation across marketing and communications.